Roman Catholic Funeral Service Package
Roman Catholic Funeral Service Package in Singapore starts from:
3 Days Roman Catholic funeral package $4588
5 Days Roman Catholic funeral package $5088
The package includes all essential services such as a cremation casket, memorial set-up,
tables and chairs and the transportation to church for funeral mass.
Funerals can be conducted at HDB void decks, funeral parlours or
church funeral parlours.
Click on the button below for the detailed breakdown
Casket & Embalming
Collection of Deceased
Professional Embalming & Make-up Service
Casket - Standard Half Glass Cremation Casket
Booking of Cremation Slot
HDB Package Setup*
Tentage : Surrounding Casket, Grand Curtains & Carpet (Choice of Beige / Yellow)
Round & Square Tables
Reception Table, Safe box & Condolence book
Funeral Parlour Package Setup*
Rental of the Choice of Funeral Parlour
Tables, Chairs, Fans, Lighting - Provided by Parlour
Reception Table, Safe box & Condolence book
Roman Catholic Memorial Setup
Dignified Roman Catholic Memorial Setup
Fresh Floral Arrangements
Photo Enlargement & Photoshopping (if necessary) Services
Daily Visit by our team to provide guidance
Funeral Procession Service
Funeral Hearse
Transportation to Church for Mass
Pallbearers in Full Suit for Dignified Send-off
45-Seater Air Conditioned Bus
Post Funeral Care Service
Ash Collection Service
Nett Pricing for the Services Listed Above
HDB Package*
3 Days Roman Catholic HDB Package $4588
5 Days Roman Catholic HDB Package $5088
(Additional Day $250)
Funeral Parlour Package $3888 + Parlour Rental
Sin Ming Funeral Parlour ($600/day)
Singapore Memorial Hall ($650/day)
AYS Memorial Hall ($850/day)
Singapore Funeral Parlour ($1853)
Singapore Funeral Parlour (Medium Hall) ($2180/day)
Woodlands Memorial Parlour ($1962/day)
Woodlands Memorial Parlour VIP Hall ($4142/day)
Consignment Items / Optional Add On Services (Due to varying family size)
Toilet, Fridge, Packet Drinks, Tidbits
Funeral Attire
Cremation Fee / Columbarium Charges